But as the real outdoor gear junkies know, you cannot come through Waterbury without stopping at the venerated CCOutdoorStore.com retail store! Booming customer service and wide selections of everything trail and travel related is the gem that is CCOutdoorStore.com.
If you haven't been to the Prohibition Pig on Main Street to imbibe this most delicious libation that is Heady Topper (pictured above), you're missing out to say the least. Craft brewed and perfected, Heady Topper is hops and shoulders over your run-of-the-mill beers. According to website and magazine, Beer Advocate, Heady Topper is the third best beer in the world, and it was created in the brew-haven that is Watebury. Hurricane Irene may have closed down the Alchemist Restaurant, but the brewery has relocated (up the street to higher ground) and is as successful as ever.
Waterbury: the hiking, skiing, mountainbiking (the list goes on and on) and beer oasis.
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